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Wrath and Ruin is a USA Today Bestseller!


My fourth novel, The People’s Necromancer, has been released exclusively in the Wrath and Ruin box set, and our promotions and social media outreach has been highly successful. During a two-and-a-half-month preorder, we sold 7780 units on Amazon, 667 on B&N, and 372 on iBooks. That was enough to make it on the USA Today Best Seller list on its own. However, we did really well during our release week as well thanks to some focused BookBub ads, other ads with pretty much every major indie author push site (KND, ENT, Book Rebel, OTOH, etc.), and a lot of social media engagement and FB ads. Our total numbers ending on January 8th were 10,228 Amazon, 576 iBooks, and 1026 Nook.

I believe the publisher is keeping the box set at 99 cents until Tuesday, January 16th. Afterwards, I believe it is rising to 4.99 (which is still an absolutely amazing deal for 24 edited, quality novels). So, definitely pick up a copy.

Other News

The Dark Paladin (the 2nd book in the Age of Magic) is through initial drafting, and I’m starting my editing passes. My current plan is to release it in May. I am currently deciding whether I will release it wide for a short period (possibly 1-2 weeks) before putting it in KU. The People’s Necromancer is probably going to be released as a stand alone after the limited release of the Wrath and Ruin box set is over in April.

I will be commissioning artwork for the Dark Paladin soon, and I’ll be sure to post that cover as soon as I can.


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